Casino Addon Wow

Roll Casino Gamble with your hard earned gold. Role play as a degenerate. Casino addon for managing gambling mini-games in World of Warcraft: Classic. Casino Wow Addon casinos Casino Wow Addon are protected by highly advanced security features to ensure that the financial and personal data of their players is kept safely protected. The legitimate sites that we list as the best also have Casino Wow Addon a solid reputation for ensuring their customer data is truly safe, keeping up with data protection and p.

I never experienced World of Warcraft. I played other Blizzard games, both before and after its release, including the original Warcraft series and Diablo. I skipped over WoW for reasons I can’t completely recall. During the hype around “classic” I tried “retail” for a moment and abruptly stopped due to a move to a new home. I was tempted to play again after learning about “vanilla” servers but had already mentally committed myself to wait for the official servers. Classic finally launched on August 26, 2019 and I joined in as to not miss out on the twice in a lifetime experience.

Minutes passed during my group’s first play of the game and the chatter started about all the addons they just had to install. Unlike me they had played on and off for the last fifteen years, both vanilla and retail. Not having a clue, I played for a few sittings before getting the itch. What addons were out there and what they could do for me? Everyone had so much experience I thought it was only fair that I bridge the gap. I installed quite a few addons while feeling like a kid in a candy store. With all my handicaps addressed I was firmly hooked.

Then, out of nowhere, my curiosity got the best of me. How do these things work?!

This article assumes you have at least some basic knowledge in software development and are at least interested in how the World of Warcraft addon system works. I’m a software engineer by trade but I’ve never written a game addon before, so it’s not a requirement that you have either. If you’ve used or written a macro in game you’re already ahead.

Setting up the Development Environment

We’re going to need an editor to develop this addon. Older tutorials will recommend you the most basic of text editors, which will work, but we can do better than that. If you don’t already have a preference I would recommend downloading Microsoft Visual Studio Code. That should be more than enough for this journey and enable future programming endeavors. I have crossed paths with vscode plugins touting both Lua and World of Warcraft support but the editor is sufficient out of the box for what is needed here. Do explore the available extensions and make your own decision on their usefulness.

Creating a Folder for the Addon

How you manage your project long term is up to you. I’d recommend using GitHub to manage your code and only update your local addon directory when you are ready to test a new version, possibly with a deployment script. For now, since we are just getting started, let’s just work out of the Addons directory.

Provided you haven’t changed the default install location the World of Warcraft directory will either be located in C:Program Files or C:Program Files (X86) on Windows or the /Applications/ on a Mac. Depending on what you have installed you will may see _classic_ and _retail_ and _ptr_ folders in that directory. Open _classic_/Interface/Addons and create a Sandbox folder. An addon is born!

Creating the Table of Contents

In the Sandbox folder create a new text file named Sandbox.toc. This file provides the information required about the addon to the WoW client. If you’ve ever looked at package.json in a JavaScript project for example, this serves a similar purpose.

Add the following to the file:

The correct value for Interface can be found in game by running the following command: /run print((select(4, GetBuildInfo()))); At the time of writing classic is currently 11302. If you intend on targeting retail or vanilla instead be sure to update that value.

Following that, I believe Title, Notes, Author and Version are self explanatory. There are quite a few other values that I’ve observed in toc files, I would recommend peeking into other addons to discover those.

The final line Sandbox.lua is a pointer to where the actual code will be stored. At least one file is required, but for larger plugins multiple files can be referenced here and all will be loaded at runtime.

Out of curiosity I played around with changing directory names, file names and removing more details from the toc file. There wasn’t much that really caused the addon to fail to function. It’s definitely going to be good practice to have a detailed table of contents file, so the above is what I’d recommend as the minimum.

Writing Some Code

World of Warcraft addons are written in Lua which touts itself as “a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language.” Lua should not be much effort to pick up if you have at least one language under your belt. If not, it will still be an excellent first language to learn.

To begin coding in Lua, create a Sandbox.lua file in the Sandbox folder that we created earlier and add the following code:

Additionally select one of the following samples of code and add it to the very end of the file:

Option A:

Option B:

Trying It Out

Time to boot up the game… No playing! Focus! When you enter the game one of two things should happen. If you selected Option A you should see “Hello World!” displayed in a graphical window:

If you selected Option B the results are a bit more mysterious. Where have the gryphons gone?


Congratulations! Your first addon is complete!

Beyond the Basics

There’s a lot more general programming that can be done within a addon but I won’t be going deep into Lua here at all as there are plenty of books already available to reference for the subject. There are even books such as Beginning Lua with World of Warcraft Add-ons and World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons specifically for World of Warcraft.

Finding out how to create or modify different elements in the WoW client is challenging and requires knowledge of the available API. The best resources for the API I’ve found so far are Wowpedia and WoWWiki.

Additionally a great way to learn how to do things is to take a look at Lua files in existing addons either that you have installed or those available on the web. Do be advised, mileage will vary with what is supported in different World of Warcraft client versions.

Limitations & Workarounds

There were a couple of interesting limitations I found while writing this article. The first is to call out to a url to GET or POST data. If it did exist, could have some pretty serious malicious abuses, so I’m not surprised it’s not there. It would have definitely been useful for some slick addons.

Another limitation is the inability to save data to an external file or read from an external file. This isn’t too limiting to addon developers as you have access to saved variables and can load as many Lua files as you please. Some plugins like CensusClassicPlus are getting around this limitation by having users upload files from their SavedVariables folder after logging out of the game.

Despite not being able to communicate directly over the Internet, addons still appear to be able to communicate with each other with some tricks. For example RealMobHealth and ClassicThreatMeter are using in game chat to send data between users in the current group who also have the addon installed.

Finally, not so much a limitation but a consideration is the variances betwen capabilities in the API between game versions. Since now we have classic, vanilla (which is multiple versions in itself) and retail the API is not always the same. Plugins will need to be tested and coded to work on all platforms, or only on a specific platform as not all are created equal. One way to adapt would be to switch addon executation paths programatically based on the game version retrieved from GetBuildInfo().


While you are developing it will be useful to stay logged into the game. This allows you to switch in and out to make some changes to the addon, run /reload to restart the UI and continue debugging. Majority of the time your changes will be reflected unless you are doing something with changing files names or the toc file. It will also be useful to execute /console scriptErrors 1 during your coding session so that when Lua errors occur they are displayed immediately. Just don’t forget to turn it off using /console scriptErrors 0 before you go back to normal gameplay. As always, print and message functions will be your friend! Finally, there are also some interesting looking addons that may be of additional assistance including BugSack and BugGrabber which “eases the process of viewing bugs”.


While your addon may not grow large enough to justify any robust testing patterns it is a good idea to consider at least some basic testing strategies before things turn into spaghetti. The structure that was snuck into the example addon it allows for manual testing of functions by running manual commands, for example:

Casino addon wow

A surprising option that is available is WowUnit which “allows you to easily write unit tests for your World of Warcraft addons and provides an interface to monitor them”. This is probably the best choice for the majority of addons that require testing.

Lastly, for addons with considerable internal logic, it is very possible Lua itself could be used to test the addon without requiring the WoW client to be running. This would require mocking out parts of the WoW API and using a Lua interpreter to run your tests. While the most advanced option it would also be the most extendable.


I assumed addons would need to manually acquired and installed by hand. However the Twitch client can automatically install addons for you as well as keep them in sync across machines using their client. You don’t have to be a streamer to use it. It works in conjunction with Curseforge, a directory of addons for multiple games. With millions of downloads for the most popular addons I would definitely recommend publishing to get exposure. In addition I’d again recommend using GitHub to allow others to collaborate and help maintain your addon. If you end up being inspired to create an addon, here are the instructions for creating and submitting a project.

Final Thoughts

I started this article to learn more about how addons worked inside World of Warcraft. What I discovered was a robust framework with all the tools I would expect from a development environment available to me. I’ve found myself torn between playing the game and continuing to look under the hood. There are numerous addons already available for WoW but nothing I’ve come across has felt like the end all be all. Much more could be done and there is considerable room for improvement. If the feedback to this article is positive I would absolutely consider writing a series of articles on this topic.

Section 1: What is the 'casino' game in WoW and How can I establish my own?

Casino Addon Wow

Simply put, the casino is an user-hosted minigame within World of Warcraft in which the player sits in a major town (whichever is most populated on their specific server) and advertises their game in which the person placing their bets must roll a number above the designated number (typically 65 and above on a 1-100 roll). If they win, they receive back double what they traded in as a bet (if they bet 50g they get 100g back) and if they lose, the gold they traded to you is forfeit and becomes yours for them to try and win back if they choose to keep playing.


The specific steps will come as follows below, but as a general tip, always be honest and patient with the player to get a good reputation on your server so you always have a large player base. In the long run, the odds will always be in your favor given a large enough amount of players playing. I began the endeavor with 2k gold and made upwards of 300k in my career as a casino host! It takes time to build up a fortune, but with enough patient, this easy-to-do process can make you rich not only in game, but also, in real life if you choose to sell your gold on the market.

Keep in mind that the casino itself does not violate Blizzard's ToS (Terms of Service) Agreement despite what jealous players will tell you. This is 100% legal and profitable so long as you do not spam your advertising message that brings players in to your casino. Spamming is against ToS and will result in proper warnings/bans by Blizzard. (Keep in mind that US/EU do differ slightly in rules, and I am speaking about the US).

Section 2: Getting Started on your Path to Riches.

1) Create a level 1 character that looks cute and trustworthy (personally I chose the gnome because everyone sees them as tiny and innocent) and run to your faction's largest city. Once there, create an interesting guild name that reflects your casino. I recommend 'Casino Royale' as one example, but the more creative, the better since it will set you apart from other wannabes!

2) A step often overlooked is the casino outfit on the player. People want to gamble at something that looks legitimate for the experience and feel. A black shirt, tuxedo, black pants, red rose, etc is a must. Be creative with your outfit because it a major factor of people choose you over your competition. This includes your tabard icon as well from your guild. There are dice and other gambling icons that you may choose so be sure to do so.

3) Macros are the most important part of any successful casino so be sure to spend a lot of time setting them up! These range from basic whisper macros to winning/losing ones and many more advanced ones that follow to help you manage your casion when it

gets busy with 10+ players at once.

- Advertise Macro: do NOT spam this. Keep it short and informative!


/s {Star} Welcome to 'xxx's' Casino, whisper me for full rules! {Star}

Comment: This is preferable to put on action bar (Hotkey 5 or higher)

- Whisper Rules Macro: This is for when people whisper you and you reply the rules (this is to prevent posting rules in say chat for less spam).


/r Minimum bid: 10g Maximum bid: Unlimited (or whatever you values you prefer)

/r How to play: Trade your bet amount

/r Do NOT roll before I announce your name in RaidWarning

/r If you do, your roll is NOT counted

/r 1-64 = Lose 65-97 = Double amount 98-100 = Triple

This macro is best to put at some place it is easy to reach, due to you will be pressing it every time someone whispers you for rules. (Hotkey 1-3)

- RaidWarning Macro: This macro is for when you announce in RaidWarning, group, and raid for who's turn it is to roll, this is for you to easier keep track of who's turn it is. You MUST have this macro.


/rw {Star}%t please Roll!{Star}

/raid {Star} %t please Roll!{Star}

/group {Star}%t please Roll!{Star}

Comment: With this macro, you simply target the player who's turn it is to roll, and click your macro. This macro will be used alot, so place it somewhere convenient. (Hotkey 1-3)

- Win Macro: This is for when target wins (you do NOT announce roll for a new customer before the last one finished his roll and you have traded the money if they won). Code:

/raid %t wins!


Comment: This one also requires you to have your current customer targeted.

- Raid Rules Macro: For posting the macro in raids, if people ask there. Code:

/raid Minimum bid: 5g Maximum bid: Unlimited

/raid How to play: Trade your bet amount

/raid Do NOT roll before I announce your name in RaidWarning

/raid If you do, your roll is NOT counted

/raid 1-66= Lose 67-97 = Double amount 98-100 = Triple

- The Polite Whisper Macro: You need to right click player and select whisper, when the [type text window] is open, click the macro Code:

/whisper Hi there! Would you like to try out a fun game for a chance at gold?

Comment: Here you can put whatever you think might attract the most players, and provoke the least amount of players. Keep it short, use proper English, and Do Not Spam.

4) Find a good place to stand in the town of your choice. (I chose Ironforge and sat to the right of the bridge connecting the bank and auction house). Once there, you need to have your main character send over a decent amount of gold 1000g+ is best to get started. At the earlier stages of your casino, set the betting limits to lower numbers (10g to 50g or something) to avoid getting unlucky and losing your initial investment. Casinos are all about the long term,

5) To reiterate an important matter previously stated in this guide, do not spam your macros under any circumstances. Spamming is an offense that can be punished by a time or even a permanent ban. The more courteous you are with the other players, the more likely they will choose your casino over an obnoxious spammer.

Section 3: Mathematics behind your profit and player mentality

People who have studied gambling patterns in real life feel that they can make a profit off of casinos by what is known as the 'double-up per loss method'. In this theory, the player keeps betting 5g per bet until he/she loses, in which case, they double their bet to 10g, then 20g, then 40g, etc each time they lose because they feel that their chances reset and they are 'due' to win more. However, as you will see, the odds are still heavily in your favor in the long run. The following chart disproves this theory and provides you with the specific amounts:

Casino Addon Wow Classic

At this point, most players are bankrupt. Now, let's look at the percentages in depth. There is a 0.68% chance that a player using the double bet system will lose 20475 gold if he starts off with 5g. Now, if the casino was sitting on 50k gold, and this dude wanted to bet 5g repeatedly until he won 1k, you can see that the odds really are not in his favor. He would have to win 200 times for him to earn 1k gold. Now, 200 times with a 0.68% chance to lose 20475 gold per initial 5 gold bet does not seem very smart.

Section 4: Other profitable games that you may wish to offer

Roulette: The player states the number he/she wants to bet on and for how much gold, and then /rolls from 1 to 38. If he/she successfully rolls their number, the payout is 35-to-1. That means, if he/she bets 10g and wins, he/she gets 350g. If they fail to roll their number, the bet becomes yours as profit.

Now the key to profit is how you set your betting limits. For example, if you set your betting minimum to 1g and maximum to 40g, you must be able to afford a 1400g payout (40g x 35). So I recommend beginning with a rather low betting limit until you accumulate a lot of gold in this manner.

This equation means that given any bet of 1g, you will make .05g in the long run as profit through the game of roulette. Because of the 35-to-1 payout, this game is often popular on US

It's also possible to bet some of your earnings at the Online slots that are available for every user to try their luck. Payouts are generally more consistent in the long term, so make sure you don't stop after short term wins or losses.

servers and gives the player a much greater thrill despite being for the same amount of gold as a simple 1-100 roll.

With enough patience, this is a great way to make free gold and generate income for whatever you may need. Always remember to be courteous and innovative to keep yourself above the competition. Coming up with slightly different variations of games can draw in customers so feel free to experiment once you generate a decent income and can afford to try new things. I hope you, the reader, found the guide useful in setting up your own casino in World of Warcraft. May fortune endlessly smile upon you, but if it doesn't, know that the odds are eternally in your favor!